
Trucking, Transportation, and Logistics Litigation

The attorneys at Fontenot & Oyler have extensive experience representing trucking companies and their insurers throughout North Carolina. From serious accident cases to freight and cargo claims to complex contract disputes, we know the unique issues and challenges that our trucking clients face and are well-equipped to advise them and strongly advocate on their behalf. We understand the importance of performing a thorough investigation and providing our clients with a strategy for representation as quickly as possible while keeping them informed throughout each stage of their case.

Trucking accidents typically result in catastrophic injuries or death and can lead to complex litigation with claims against multiple parties, and our attorneys have successfully litigated trucking accident cases in North Carolina as well as multiple state and federal jurisdictions throughout the country. In order to mount the best defense against these claims and to provide our clients with the most accurate information possible, we have a team of investigators and accident reconstruction specialists on call to rapidly respond to the scene of an accident. This team can preserve crucial evidence by photographing the accident scene, taking measurements, interviewing eye-witnesses and other participants involved in the accident, and interfacing with the investigating police officers. With this information, our clients are ready to efficiently and effectively deal with any claims that may arise.